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Pls click on this link for our scanfrost products:-

Pls click on this link for our scanfrost products:-

Pls click on this link for our scanfrost products:-

There are over 200 items on the list, if not immediately on site, you can send a comment and it will be  made available!!!

Pls click on this link for our scanfrost products:-

Pls click on this link for our scanfrost products:-

Pls click on this link for our scanfrost products:-

Pls click on this link for our scanfrost products:-

Pls click on this link for our scanfrost products:-

Pls click on this link for our scanfrost products:-

Pls click on this link for our scanfrost products:-

Pls click on this link for our scanfrost products:-

Pls click on this link for our scanfrost products:-

Pls click on this link for our scanfrost products:-

Pls click on this link for our scanfrost products:-

Pls click on this link for our scanfrost products:-


    1. Pls mam, return the equipment back to the dealer’s place so that our technician can check it there
      Since the equipment as you specified was a gift to you. They should go along with the invoice.

    2. Fixing my 32" Scanfrost LED

      Hello Sir, I need to fix my Scanfrost LED tv 32″ which went white blank last year. I was really dissatisfied because I didn’t use it for 2 years before it started with this fault.
      What will it cost to fix it? It started with 3 lines and it multiplied until it turned white. Where do I bring it to for servicing?

      Rev. John Adeyemo

  1. Good evening.
    My 32″LED TV scanfrost butting is not longer working. It display key lock. Try to unlock but is not responding. The remote has been broken by the children, and i have buy series of remote from the open market still yet, its not working. Am forstreinghting plz. I need prompt responds

      1. Complaint: not cooling when connected to power. Packaged after buying and kept for over 1year before usage only to discover after powering that it’s not cooling. Barely used before travel

  2. Hello, please my 43″ Scanfrost TV receiver just stopped working. I can no longer watch channels through the antenna

  3. I need my scanfrost washing machine to be fixed up

    My scanfrost washing machine is not washing anymore and the spinning has also stop functioning too , am in Benin city , Edo state . Please how can it be fixed

  4. Good morning, I didn't get any email from scanfrost and I keep loosing customers everyday. This is day 16 and I still didn't get any response this is becoming very frustrating. It beginning to look like there's something personal going on, d staff who called me weeks ago was telling me how fixing the freezer will cost me money, even on the phone, does he have special gift to know what's wrong? And he was so eager to proof that the warranty had expired, says who and why was there so much emphasis on d money to be spent?. And I got this site and was very happy my issues will be resolved, but no one has called me till date! Should I drop a comment of twitter?

    Good morning, I didn’t get any email from scanfrost and I keep loosing customers everyday. This is day 16 and I still didn’t get any response this is becoming very frustrating. It beginning to look like there’s something personal going on, d staff who called me weeks ago was telling me how fixing the freezer will cost me money, even on the phone, does he have special gift to know what’s wrong? And he was so eager to proof that the warranty had expired, says who and why was there so much emphasis on d money to be spent?. And I got this site and was very happy my issues will be resolved, but no one has called me till date! Should I drop a comment of twitter?

  5. I need after sales assistance for my faulty washing machine

    Please I need after sales assistance for my washing machine

  6. I brought 55 inches tv yesterday, the tv is consuming power, unable to connect to wireless, displaying lines, flash drive not detected

    Very disappointed

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